
LessAlone.org invites you to share your story with others regarding you [or a family member, friend, neighbor] who lives alone.

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My father lives alone. My mother passed away 3 years ago. He has no social outlet. 3 mo ago he was placed on home oxygen so now he is even more isolated/housebound. He has a computer. I try desperately to get him out of the house. He only goes to his VA appointments and then back home. He has 2 small dogs that provide him some companionship and I try to stop by and visit weekly. He could use a computer friend.

By: Tammy

    Read more     Comments(0)     Feb. 12, 2017

Check out the new LAO Facebook page, at link -- facebook.com/lessalone And, to show your support for our mission, be sure to “LIKE US” while you're there! Share the page with all your friends, too. We are here to help people who need our services. Membership to LAO is free-of-charge, as are our services. If you can, please donate whatever you can. Your deductible donation goes toward our advertising and IT costs, to make sure LAO is there for everyone in the USA.

By: Bryani M.

    Read more     Comments(0)     Mar. 22, 2016

This is an amazing program that I wish we would have known about when my mother lived alone in a different state. I think we all know of someone, either family or friend, that NEEDS this companionship. It truly can be the difference for those suffering from mental or physical disabilities who live alone. We all should feel LESS ALONE!

By: Melia L.

    Read more     Comments(0)     July 14, 2014

My elderly aunt resides in a nursing home, but she is still active. Unfortunately many other residents in that nursing home are not as active, are not even able to converse with her, so she would often feel quite alone and disconnected. She now has her 'contact companion' to check on daily, and the two of them have found they share a lot in common. When I visit her, she tells me about their conversations! I'm glad she now has this new friend she can talk to.

By: N. Perkins

    Read more     Comments(1)     June 29, 2014

I recently had to have surgery for hip replacement, and my time confined at home for recovery turned out to be longer than I had been told it should be. I am now faced with the same surgery soon, for the other hip. This time, I plan to register for a contact companion and perhaps my next recovery period will be a bit less depressing than the last one.

By: Marsha Forster

    Read more     Comments(0)     Feb. 18, 2013


Heard this one ?

A hard-working tele-marketer called up an elderly woman one day, and began to solicit her for his product. The woman was so in need of a little conversation, she could not let the young man off the phone - but instead was compelled to keep him talking. Only did their talk end when she had finally purchased from him even more than she could afford. MORAL: lest they be scammed, many people just need someone for a short time, to converse with and to share.


"Once you choose HOPE, anything's possible." -Christopher Reeve


If you are interested in giving just a bit of your time as a volunteer, we'd like to hear from you. You could assist us greatly by getting the 'word out' in your community regarding our services to people. Follow this link to learn some of the ways you can be a volunteer for us.


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