
Hello, and welcome to our website. Prior to undertaking the formation of LessAlone.org, I spent five years caring for aging parents. Following thirty years spent in the fray of the 'work world', I quickly learned that we who care for aging parents have a new experience in hard work ahead of us. Until you have found it necessary to be a care-giver and dedicate yourself to this, you cannot know what you are 'up against'.

My parents were blessed with longevity - one living to age 89 and the other to age 94. However, in his last years, my father suffered from Alzheimer's disease. My mother spent her last years confined to a wheel chair. But their one life-long desire [voiced to me many times over the years] was to remain at home, living at home, as long as they could.

During the time I was their care-giver, between medical needs, legal implications, and seeing to day-to-day issues, I came to learn that, in the case of aging, my parents and others can slowly out-live friends, neighbors, and relatives they have been close to for years.

This period in my life allowed me time to ponder on my parents' situation, as well as other cases I have seen in which persons were forced to be home alone. Aging is not the only reason. Sometimes something as simple as surgery can force a person to be home-bound for a time. Friends and neighbors used to fill this gap in the past, but sometimes rushed, busy, and far-too-short days do not allow us the time to keep up on others as we should.

The instances of those living alone at home in our country are far more prevalent than you may believe. And it is most likely that many of these people have the time daily to see to the safety and welfare of another person such as them. By fulfilling the position of contact companion, they may not realize it, but they are also seeing to their own safety and well-being.

LessAlone.org serves to 'bring together' those individuals who live alone, creating a symbiotic relationship between people of similar circumstance and with similar needs. These individuals, while living alone in their chosen setting, are LESS ALONE when they have their 'contact companion' to check on them and make sure they are okay.

We are a new organization formulated in 2012, working to fill our database with registered "contactees", namely individuals who live alone in their homes. These homes might be single-family houses, assisted-living apartments, RVs and travel trailers - anywhere that an individual lives, has a telephone, and lives there alone.

SIGN UP and register yourself or your loved one with us today! Or, if you can give some of your time as a volunteer, check out our SUPPORT page. And, to help us financially with initial start-up costs, go to our DONATIONS page.

We appreciate any and all the assistance you can give us! 

D. J. Bilyew
Founder & Director
--- 03/30/2013

'CONTACT US' regarding any questions you might have


Less Alone Endeavor
PO Box 1896
Elephant Butte, NM  87935

(877) 374-6798
this is also our fax number

Use contact form [below]

and we'll find your
contact companion


"Once you choose HOPE, anything's possible." -Christopher Reeve