By: M. Farouk Radwan, MSc
Is social isolation caused by the internet?
Many people mistakenly think that social isolation is caused by the internet, while in fact if the internet was not there, the socially isolated person would have found anything else to do to isolate himself from others [like staying in front of a computer, TV, or reading a book].
So if social isolation is not caused by the internet, then why are some socially-isolated people still internet addicts? The socially-isolated person always comes up with a brilliant self-deception plan that can help him/her avoid people, without feeling that he is actually escaping.
By believing themselves that they are an internet addict, or that the internet is the main reason for their social isolation, a person can stay at home without damaging their self-confidence.
What causes social isolation?
What are the real causes of social isolation? We humans are social beings by nature – we can hardly live on our own for a long period of time. But some people seem to have problems in dealing with others to the extent that they sacrifice this important need.
There are hundreds of reasons that could be behind social isolation. However, here are some of the common causes:
Social isolation and fear of the past. We, as children, may grow up into an adult who tries to avoid putting ourselves in those bad situations we faced earlier in our lives. If, as a child, we were neglected at home [or if we didn't get enough attention], the adult might fear interacting with people, and become socially isolated in order to prevent this from happening once again.
Social isolation and low self esteem. Social isolation can be caused by low self-esteem, excessive shyness, or even an inferiority complex. Social isolation by itself might not be the disorder, but it can be just the symptom of another disorder, like inferiority complex
Lack of social interest and social isolation. When a child is born, he learns how to connect with people through his family members. If those family members were cold, unavailable or abusive, he might lose interest in others and become a socially-isolated adult. Thus, parenting styles are one of the possible causes of social isolation in children
Social isolation causes depression
The relationship between depression and social isolation is bidirectional. Social isolation will certainly lead to depression, because any important, unsatisfied need we have [that is suppressed] usually results in depression – while inversely, depression can also cause social isolation.
A depressed person will always want to avoid people and stay isolated. Some people might think that introversion causes social isolation – though in fact, recent studies have shown that introversion itself might be a disorder that causes social isolation.
Elderly people might develop social isolation because of factors that are out of their hands. These people might not have the physical energy needed to “hang out”, or to leave their houses [comfort zone] – and thus they become limited to the people who care to ask about them. Social isolation in the elderly also leads to depression.
Social isolation treatment
The best way to deal with a psychological disorder is to understand your mind's intention behind it. For example, social isolation can be caused by the subconscious mind, in wanting to to prevent you from interacting with people as a result of a lack of self-esteem. In such a case, your mind believes it is protecting you, using social isolation – while in fact it's ruining your life.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” treatment for psychological disorders such as social isolation, because while many people might be suffering from the same disorder, each one of them will be suffering from it for a different reason.
Through understanding the real causes behind your social isolation, and working on them, you can defeat it.
Excerpts from –
Submitted By: Bryani M.
---- Roswell, NM
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