Welcome to membership registration for LessAlone.org. Our membership guidelines are intended to promote your safety and well-being.
By continuing with your registration for membership, you indicate agreement with the following membership requirements. Please read before continuing.
1) Each member and their contact companion are asked to utilize common courtesy in their contact with each other. Always treat your contact companion with respect - the same respect that you expect in return.
2) Make sure you are available for contact each day, at the time of day you have chosen for contact with your contact companion.
3) Make sure you are available to answer your preferred contact phone each day, at the time of day you have chosen. Allowing answering machines and/or voicemail to answer your contact phone number would not be sufficient, as your contact companion may then believe you are unable to come to the phone, and 'raise alarms' as to your safety and well-being.
4) You agree that you are 18 years of age, or older.
Following rules 1-3 above facilitates the one-on-one relationship between you, to provide each of
you with the intended enjoyment, security and safety of the match with your contact companion. Once you and your contact companion are comfortable in your contact relationship, you may let each other know the days and/or times when you may not be able to call [such as when you are on a trip, etc.].
If you do not agree to adhere to the membership requirements, please click the CANCEL button below. Otherwise, click the NEXT button and follow the 3-step process for member registration. This should take you only about 10 minutes